Getting Confluence 5.9.3 on my Mac this time was a little too easy. It took all of 5 minutes and left me wondering if I had missed something.
Caveat: I had gone through the pain of installing Java when I installed JIRA so this helped a lot. If you haven’t installed JIRA, look at my previous post and go through the Java installation process first.
Step 1: Download Confluence
Pick your poison from this page:
Save it to a location of your choice and extract it with:
>> tar xvf atlassian-confluence-5.9.3.tar
This is termed your installation directory.
Step 2: Check Java
>> java -version
should return a valid version and
>> echo %JAVA_HOME
should also work. If not, again, refer back to my JIRA installation post.
Step 3: Set your “home” directory
Go into your installation directory/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/ file and add the location of your “home” directory. ie where you want all your confluence data to reside. This is how I have mine set up:
This allows me to have multiple installations of different versions of Confluence along with the other applications in the Atlassian suite all in one place.
Step 4: Start her up
Navigate to the bin directory of Confluence (in your installation directory) and type:
>> ./
The only remaining issue was to remember which port Confluence ran on. The short answer is 8090 but it is good to know where I got this from. Open up “server.xml” in your conf directory (same location as your bin directory) and you should see the port listed.
This also means that you can change the port to suit your needs as well. After you change, restart confluence.