Monthly Archives: August 2015

IBM Websphere Cast Iron v7.5.0.0 is out. What’s New?

By | August 30, 2015

IBM Websphere Cast Iron version was released at the end of July 2015. It was a major jump form 7.0 to 7.5   Along with the general “contains Platform enhancements and serviceability improvements to strengthen infrastructure and improve platform robustness and user experience.” which is pretty generic, it seems like the only other improvements… Read More »

Category: IBM

How to install Mule in AWS

By | August 28, 2015

This was an interesting challenge and one where I couldn’t find step by step instructions on Google or the Mulesoft website. So I ended up trying this myself and hope this is useful for others. Prerequisite: – Access to AWS EC2 environment. Step 1: Create a new instance Launch a new Ubuntu instance. Choose at… Read More »

It’s the putting right that counts.

By | August 26, 2015

Even the big guys get it wrong but it’s the putting right that counts. Thanks Atlassian So a colleague of mine asked me “Where is the attach screenshot option in JIRA?” I had no idea and thought I had incorrectly configured the permission scheme but I’ve never come across this issue before and it WAS… Read More »

How to connect Raspberry pi to Ubuntu via USB Cable

By | August 23, 2015

It sounds daunting at first but when you go through the process, it’s quite simple. First, you need the right equipment. 1. Raspberry Pi. (Kinda goes without saying). 2. USB to TTL Serial Cable. ( I actually got mine from as I thought the price was similar but I didn’t take into account the… Read More »

How to convert litecoins to bitcoins

By | August 3, 2015

First of all create an account at: Then click on finances -> deposits. You will then be given an address to send your litecoins to. Copy this address into your litecoin wallet. I use Electrum. There is a 0.001 LTC fee and you will be asked to authenticate the transaction.   Your transaction will… Read More »