Category Archives: Atlassian

Confluence find and replace versus ctrl + F

By | September 12, 2016

I must admit I’ve never used the Confluence find and replace feature. It’s that little magnifying glass icon in the editor you may have seen that magically shows extra options. I’ve always preferred to use the Ctrl + F option which is the find option in the browser to find search for keywords. However, as… Read More »

Meeting Matt Doar

By | August 17, 2016

On my visit to San Francisco, I had the privilege of meeting Matt Doar who is well regarded in the Atlassian circle. I remember many times when Googling for specific problems on JIRA or Confluence, Matt Doar’s name would constantly appear so having the opportunity to meet him, chief toolsmith, author and Atlassian JIRA extraordinaire,… Read More »

How to get the new Confluence dashboard back?

By | June 24, 2016

Do you have Confluence v5.9 or above installed and clicked on the “Give me the old dashboard” link only to wonder how to get it back? It’s a straight forward process but not an obvious one. Paste /users/darkfeatures.action to your base url. eg http://localhost:8090/users/darkfeatures.action At the bottom, click on the remove link after simple.dashboard.disabled There is… Read More »

Adding images to your comments in JIRA

By | May 4, 2016

Even though I’ve been training JIRA for years, I still learn new things all the time. The latest thing I came across was embedding images into the comments area from within a JIRA issue. The wiki markup to use is !my_image.png! Don’t try it with a word doc.

JIRA Order by Clause for Statuses

By | February 11, 2016

There are 2 ways of ordering your search results in the issue navigator within JIRA. You can click on the column header to sort the issues or you can use the “Order By” clause via JQL (JIRA Query Language). A JQL example would be “project = demo ORDER BY Assignee ASC” However, if you want… Read More »

Setting up JIRA on Mac OSX 10.11 El Capitan

By | January 3, 2016

Getting JIRA 7.0.5 on to my mac wasn’t as straight forward as I’d expected but I finally got there in the end. The first thing to note from the Atlassian website is: which was taken from These steps are what we will be following as well. If you are interested in what I had to… Read More »